

Seoul Part II

Our day began in Gangnam at Cafe 413 Project.

I ordered the eggs royale and my sister opted for a sausage omelette. We both thought they were delicious. We also ordered their French toast to share but we didn't take a great liking to it so just ended up eating the fruit.

With our bellies full we grabbed the subway to Bukchon Village and strolled our way through the many alleys. This used to be the residential area for high ranking government officials during the Joseon dynasty. Even though it is still a residential area, those residing do not need to have a specific occupation. To respect those living there whilst many tourists explore, there are staff who remind visitors to remain quiet.

Next stop, Seochon.

Seochon village is home to Daeo Bookstore which is the oldest (second hand) bookstore in Seoul. It does not operate for profit but more to upkeep the sweet history (read above) and restoration of the bookstore/cafe. You can donate money in addition to the entrance fee + drink/ souvenir combo.

We then made our way to Hongdae which is known for its street performers. The talent in this country is insane. This group is called W.I.T. and performed so many dance routines of different bands including BTS and Pentagon.

After watching this group for a while, we did a little bit of shopping and explored some of Hongdae. We were yearning for food and fell upon this incredible underground restaurant for dinner. Simple, delicious Korean food that was AMAZING, I was in food heaven.

We had epic ttoeokbokki with deep fried everything on the side, as well as chapagetti, watermelon soju (so good- it tastes like juice) and Coke. The food coma ensued which ended our night by hitting the hay.

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