

Peak District: A Winter Adventure

My friend, J, needed to take some photos for her project (the talented lady studies Photography) and she kindly invited me to come join. I can't say I have the skills she does but when it involves girly time and an adventure, I'm always in! J is one talented lady and I am always praising her amazing work. If you want, you should go check her stuff out on her blog: Jessica Palmtree and you'll definitely be able to see what I'm talking about. Make sure to leave a comment if you agree! Share the love. It is the season after all!

We bundled up warm as we were expecting a very cold day up at the Peak District. It was WICKED cold, I think it reached -4°C. Fortunately for us, it snowed the night before so our views were spectacular to make up for it. J and I decided to just randomly stop whenever we saw anything particularly pleasant. After a road trip full of Hunter Hayes and Fall Out Boy songs, we found our first location. Before we knew it, our fingers could no longer press our camera shutter buttons so we made our way to our next location. On our way to our next location we saw a field of sheep and obviously had to stop to snap these photogenic creatures. These sheep were not friendly and were definitely in a baaaaaaaa-d mood, especially this dude in the picture below. We got so much attitude, it was tragic.

The Amanda Note- Peak District

The Amanda Note- Peak District The Amanda Note- Peak District
How do sheep greet each other at Christmas? Merry Christmas to Ewe! Sorry I had to.

The Amanda Note- Peak District

The Amanda Note- Peak District

Always graceful when climbing rocks, especially when covered in ice and snow. I'm full of great ideas. Success... well after a fair while. Our bellies were growling for food so we stopped at one of the many pubs dotted around the area. Apologies for the lack of food photos; we were too busy eating and chatting to take any photos. Can you blame a girl?

Our next location was calling us and boy was it a beautiful location to end the day on. Rolling hills and valleys for miles with a sunset for a backdrop. I was in awe. 

The Amanda Note- Peak District

The Amanda Note- Peak District

The Amanda Note- Peak District

As the sun was close to saying farewell for the day, we decided to head back home. We were in desperate need of hot chocolate and a snooze. Peak District, you are so damn gorgeous. There weren't enough hours in the day for us to explore much more so perhaps another trip to PD should be on the cards. If you haven't visited or haven't gone in a while, I definitely recommend the trip. Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year to you lovely readers. I hope it is full of love, festive feels and food!  P.S. Good luck to those of you who have to revise for exams. I am included so know how you feel. We can do this.

*Written on my previous blog but due to technical problems (when exporting) I couldn't transfer all posts and images over so I've gotten as many as I can.
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