

Sri Lanka: Riverston

Riverston is a route taken to get to the top of the Knuckles Mountain Range. The views are second to none. The narrow winding paths up the hill means you get to stare out at the view in awe.

The Amanda Note- Riverston The Amanda Note- Riverston

The Amanda Note- Riverston

The Amanda Note- Riverston

The Amanda Note- Riverston

Views for miles until your eyes meet the mountains. After passing tea plantations and cows every now and then, we were literally driving closer and closer towards the clouds. A slight pitstop to take in the view also meant my cousin was able to show me all the cool places and plantations.  

The Amanda Note- Riverston

The Amanda Note- Riverston

The Amanda Note- Riverston The Amanda Note- Riverston

The Amanda Note- Riverston

The Amanda Note- Riverston
We had arrived at Riverston's hideaway. I rolled my leggings as high as I possibly could and dipped my legs in the clear water. After some more exploring around the hideaway, we hopped back into the car and headed for the mountains. Cars are only allowed to go so far so we parked and started our hike to the windy top. After somewhat of a long hike, the mountains greeted us with a clearing sky and said hello. Hold on tight, it is very windy!

The Amanda Note- Riverston

The Amanda Note- Riverston

We headed back to the car and tried to find one of the many waterfalls in the area. Another parked car and we headed down the steep steps to the waterfall. The day involved a lot of hiking so maybe wear a pair of comfortable shoes if you are to make this trip. Wearing flip flops was fine but I would have preferred to wear something else. The next and final post on Sri Lanka will go live soon, until then lovely readers.

*Written on my previous blog but due to technical problems (when exporting) I couldn't transfer all posts and images over so I've gotten as many as I can.
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