

Rome Guide: Part IV

Angelina was the restaurant we went to.

The Amanda Note- Rome

Gorgeous weather paired with a great ambiance was definitely what we needed for a great lunch, especially on our last day in Rome and more importantly A's birthday. I was too busy eating my food to take photos...sorry! I ordered a mushroom risotto and A ordered the risotto recommended by our waiter, unfortunately I cannot remember what that was but it was delicious. (Yes, I totally took some from her plate!) I did, however, take photos of our pudding. A chose the most insane chocolate truffle gelato, I don't think I have ever tried anything better than that gelato before.Italy are famous for their tiramisu so it only made sense to order it. I wasn't disappointed. A perfect pick me up. After our meal, we thought it be best to sit around for a while (after eating so much) before we embarked on our next adventure, the Colosseum.

The Amanda Note- Rome

The Amanda Note- Rome

We booked our tickets for the Colosseum with the Roman Forum so we already had our ticket before entering. Don't listen to what the tour guides say, just go in any queue  (There are two queues, one for ticket holders and one for those that don't. Again, the queue for those who had tickets was ridiculously long but luckily a guy came to the end of the queue and told us that it didn't really matter.) as it'll merge before security and the ticket stands. We were in and ready to explore. The Colosseum is an oval amphitheatre and to this day is the largest amphitheatre in the world. Situated in the centre of Rome, it is built of concrete and sand. Built under the rule of Emperor Vespasian and completed by his successor and heir, Titus. The Colosseum could hold between 50000 and 80000 spectators and was used for gladiatorial contests, public spectacles, animal hunts, executions, reenactments of famous battles and drama.

The Amanda Note- Rome

The Amanda Note- Rome

The Amanda Note- Rome

The Amanda Note- Rome

The Amanda Note- Rome

The Amanda Note- Rome

Closing time came sooner than anticipated but we weren't ready to say farewell to Rome so took a gander around the area. Rome has been one of my favourite places to visit. It has ornate and stunning architecture throughout the city, the food is to die for and it is so rich in history, you're never short of learning something new everyday. You really do get to immerse yourself in so much history and culture when visiting this amazing city. I definitely recommend the trip. I really want to visit the rest of Italy and can't wait until I do.

*Written on my previous blog but due to technical problems (when exporting) I couldn't transfer all posts and images over so I've gotten as many as I can.
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