

Sri Lanka: Kandy's Esala Perahera

Kandy's Esala Perahera is a grand festival that happens every year in July and August. The historical procession is held to honour the Sacred Tooth Relic of Lord Buddha. It lasts a few hours with traditional and cultural dances and elephants covered in lavish garments. Every year it is as busy, if not more busy than the last, with plenty of locals and tourists gathered together to watch. People even set up camp to get a good seat! Luckily our family friend has a shop on the route of the Perahera so we sat in doors with our noses against the glass window as the procession began.

The MoreMandy- Esala Perahera The MoreMandy- Esala Perahera

The MoreMandy- Esala Perahera

Look at those cute baby elephants! After a couple of hours of traditional dancing, stunning displays of fire and whip dancing the elephant came through with Buddha's tooth.

The procession eventually ended and we made our way back. It is definitely something you should see when in Kandy.

*Written on my previous blog but due to technical problems (when exporting) I couldn't transfer all posts and images over so I've gotten as many as I can.
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