

Sri Lanka: Sigiriya

After a 30 minute drive from the Dambulla Cave Temples, we arrived in Sigiriya. But before visiting the ancient palace, we stopped for a spot of lunch at the nearest hotel. The view of Sigiriya from the hotel pool was great to look at when munching. 

The Amanda Note- Sigiriya

We needed to bulk up on energy because we had to climb that big, old rock so it was a great reminder on what we had ahead of us. After, we bought our tickets and made our way in. Sigiriya is nearly 200m high so evidently the view would be great. According to Sri Lankan history, the site was selected by King Kasyapa for his new capital. He built his palace on top of the rock and decorated it with frescoes. The intricate and historical frescoes are still intact. It isn't a surprise to know that this World Heritage Site is one of the best preserved ancient urban planning example. Approximately halfway up the side of this rock, the King built a gateway in the form of a lion. The capital and royal palace was abandoned after the King's death. Centuries after, in the 14th century, the palace was used as a Buddhist monastery.

The Amanda Note- Sigiriya

The Amanda Note- Sigiriya

The Amanda Note- Sigiriya

The Amanda Note- Sigiriya

The Amanda Note- Sigiriya

The Amanda Note- Sigiriya

It may appear that I'm smiling but the fear of God was 100% in me. My legs were like jelly and my hands were gripping on very tightly. I usually like the adrenaline when it comes to heights but I was petrified. 

The Amanda Note- Sigiriya

Anyone who isn't afraid of heights will find it a breeze but otherwise take it slow. That is probably why I don't have as many photos as I usually would, since I was considering crawling my way to the top and so taking photos wasn't up on the list of priorities. We chickened out in reaching the very top of the rock but we did get 2/3 of the way up so that was an achievement. We eventually made our way down and were greeted by this lovely gent!

The Amanda Note- Sigiriya

*Written on my previous blog but due to technical problems (when exporting) I couldn't transfer all posts and images over so I've gotten as many as I can.
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