

Sri Lanka: Trincomalee

Being fortunate enough to have family and friends living in Sri Lanka, we were spoilt from the moment we landed. After being taken to Sigiriya and Dambulla by my Uncle, we were greeted by my Mum's best friend and her husband. The kind pair and ourselves all hopped into their car and made our way to Trinco. The long drive from Sigiriya to Trinco meant we arrived very late at night, so after immediately showering, we headed straight for bed (after having some dinner of course). We woke up early in the morning and had this for a view. 

Located in the north east of Sri Lanka, Trincomalee holds stunning beaches and a plethora of historical and beautifully designed temples. We slipped on our swimwear, grabbed the nearest caftan and got in the car. First stop, Marble Beach.

Crystal clear water for miles made it somewhat hard to leave but we knew we wanted to visit other beaches so after an appropriate (not enough) amount of gallivanting, we made our way back into the car to head towards our next destination. HELLLLOOOO, Nilaveli Beach. 

Out of sheer luck, our family friend spoke with the lifeguard and he insisted that we visit Pigeon Island. He even stated that one hasn't really visited Sri Lanka if they haven't visited the island. The only logical choice was to go, so we grabbed our life jackets, hopped on a speed boat and before we knew it, arrived at Pigeon Island. Broken white coral covered the island and crystal clear water surrounded us. We had arrived in paradise. After fulfilling one thing on my bucket list, snorkeling, I was the happiest girl alive. I was initially scared to go but was encouraged to go by my sister. Boy was I glad that I made that decision. Snorkeling at Pigeon Island was a dream and being able to physically see and touch the gorgeous marine life made me more than happy. Unfortunately, I do not have a go pro or an underwater camera so couldn't capture those memories. Hopefully, that's not too bad since it gives you more of a reason to go to Pigeon Island and see it for yourself! 

We met a baby shark!

The day was coming to an end but we had filled it with such incredible memories. Trincomalee, you were a dream!

*Written on my previous blog but due to technical problems (when exporting) I couldn't transfer all posts and images over so I've gotten as many as I can.
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